The Gospel of John "The Movie"

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why did the multitude follow Jesus

Text: John 6:1-40 [*Many events not recorded in John occurred between John 5:47 and 6:1 and are recorded in Matt. 4:12-14:12, Mark 1:14-6:30, and Luke 4:14-9:19]

1. Why did the multitude follow Jesus?

2. Research question: How much is the 200 denarii Philip mentions in verse 7 worth? If one were to have this much money to spend on food for the multitude, what is Philip's conclusion?

3. How many people are fed by the 5 loaves and 2 fishes?

4. What does Jesus do before he distributes the loaves? Is this something that Jesus does often? Should we follow His example and why? Give scriptures that support your answers.

5. After the miracle, what is the reaction of some and what do they want to do?

6. How far does Jesus walk on the water? Has anyone ever done this since?

7. Why are the questions in verse 30 silly?

8. Who else, that we have already studied about in the book of John, had a similar response to Jesus' teaching?

9. Who will raise the believer at the last day?

John Discussion Questions for Class #10

Text: John 6:41-71

1. In our lesson text, Jesus talks about the bread, His flesh, and His blood. What do these represent? Give scriptures for your answers.

2. Why is the comparison between the bread of Jesus and the manna of the OT a good one for Jesus to use in His teaching?

3. From our lesson text, what do you think are the major problems the people are having with the teaching of Jesus?

4A. After Jesus had taught, verse 66 says that "many of His disciples went back and walked with Him no more". Does this mean that Jesus was not a successful or the Master teacher? Please explain your answer.

4B. What does verse 66 tells us about how we should judge our teaching efforts today?

5. Why did Peter and the other Apostles stay with Jesus?

6. Thought question: Why did the apostles give their lives as they did? See John 6:68-69 and 1 Corinthians 15:12-28 to help with your answer.

7. Did Judas betray Jesus of his own free will or did God force him? Please give scriptures for your answer.

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